Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Kenyan Real Estate: Minimizing Building Costs

The Kenya real estate market has been the most attractive business in Kenya due to;
(1) real estate  properties appreciate over time
(2) It is possible to use other people's money to buy property. All you need is to take a loan from a bank and build rental houses, the rent accruing from the houses can be used to pay the loan.
(3) The Nairobi Securities Limited(formerly Nairobi Stock Exchange) is no longer attractive to investors due to unpredictable price fluctuations.
(4) when you buy some property you can walk to a commercial bank and have the money you spent on the property freed for other users- that simply means you can acquire loans easily using the real estate property as collateral.

As an architect i will mainly give ways in which you can minimize construction costs. I may not be very conversant with how to buy land cheaply or such stuff but rest assured I can give the best advice on buikding and architecture. her are some of the best ways to reduce costs.

First, never ignore the importance of an architect in your project, Architects charge 6% of the value of the project. If you are building a normal residential house, consider using architecture students. Kenya has two universities offering architecture that is University of Nairobi and Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture and Technology ,JKUAT, I very much advice you go for JKUAT students. Students will charge you less and they are more likely to do a better job since they are trying to create a customer base. You can call this number and we can connect you to several such students or architects +254727851483

If you are building a rental houses you can use bricks. There are those that do not need mortar between joints. They are known as interlocking blocks. They are very cheap to make compared to stones. They can work well in the partitioning, after plastering, the house appears to be fully stone house. Do not doubt the strength of the blocks, we test their strength before recommending them. The number given above can be used to get assistance on how to use the blocks and how to make them.

Ceiling also takes a good chunk of money considering the amount of wood work required to be put in place before the pinning of boards. Timber being one of the most expensive and rare commodities in Kenya, we have come up with more innovative ceiling materials. The PVC tops the list, It is light and does not neet wood grids before pinning.  It would cost a half price to use PVC compared to wood and plywoods. PVC is also more appealing, more resistant to dust and moist and above everything, it is a wonderful fire suppressant.

There are hundreds of ways to reduce your building costs but if I reveal all of them on this blog, I might not have food since all the readers may become architects. All in all, you can leave your question and we wtll get back to you.

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